The 75th anniversary of the United Nations, and the end of World War II, should inspire deeper conversations on what freedom, peace and security mean for the next generation.
More than 408 million young people or 23 percent of the total youth population currently live in contexts affected by armed conflicts globally – yet their involvement in international peace and security affairs has been limited. On December 9, 2015, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution No. (2250) on Youth, Peace and Security, this resolution is a historic Security Council Resolution, as it provides a set of guidelines according to which policies and programs will be developed by member states. In the United Nations, in cooperation with civil society and youth organizations to enhance youth peacebuilding efforts.
This global framework highlights how conflict affects the lives of young people and what needs to be done to mitigate its effects, as well as how youth (males and females between the ages of 18-29) can participate in a practical way in creating peaceful and safe societies. Therefore, Resolution (2250) is an international legal framework that not only focuses on the effects of conflict on youth, but on the crucial and essential role that young people play in managing conflicts and building peace processes.